

Trinity Jenkins works in archaeology lab data-lightbox='featured'
Trinity Jenkins, a senior anthropology major from Mobile, is gaining experience in the archaeology lab by checking and cataloging artifacts that have been collected.

Archaeologist's refine and improve our understanding of the human past through excavation, 查找和分析工件. 换句话说,考古学家调查 human past to provide insights into how we arrived at our present, and allow us to 展望未来.

最近, 十大玩彩信誉平台 Center for Archaeological Studies 一个单位 社会学、人类学及社会工作学系 held a summer open house to allow students, faculty and staff to visit the archaeology labs to see what happens after the artifacts have been collected in the field.

Tiny fragments of glass or ceramic objects are then washed, cleaned, sorted, recorded 有时再组合起来. This process provides evidence of past daily activities 以及一个地点的历史.

“Everyone knows how archaeologists collect artifacts during field excavation,” said USA Professor of Anthropology and Chief Calvin McGhee Professor of Native American 博士研究. Philip Carr, director of the Center for Archaeological Studies. “我们想要 to focus this open house on what happens when the artifacts are collected and brought 回到我们的实验室. 名誉教授. 格里高利·瓦塞尔科夫创造了一段惊人的历史 fieldwork and built strong relationships with our partners that we continue to maintain 直到今天.”

在南’s Center for Archaeological Studies, students, faculty, staff and professional partners have found a multitude of artifacts  during  the I-10 Mobile River Bridge Archaeological Project, the largest of its kind in the area.

The archaeology and bioarchaeology labs are located on campus between the Archaeology 博物馆和化学大楼.

Trinity Jenkins of Mobile is a senior majoring in anthropology with a minor in forensic 科学. She is currently gaining experience in the lab by checking and cataloging 被收集的文物. 一旦这些东西被带到实验室,就 could take a year or more before the artifacts have been processed completely.

“This has been a great experience for me,” Jenkins said. “我正在洗漱 在地下发现的每件文物. 然后我将它们分配给a 功能组,并尽可能提供日期. 我毕业后的目标是 获得人类学博士学位. 我是通过观看而受到启发去研究这个领域的 the television program ‘Bones,’ which features a forensic anthropologist as the main 字符.”

During the open house, Associate Professor of Anthropology Dr. 艾琳·尼尔森回答道 十大玩彩信誉平台教学实验室的问题. 她说,实验室工作是考古学的重要组成部分.

“In this lab, we teach our students how to analyze skeletal remains and different 人工制品,”尼尔森解释道. “Having the labs on campus is very beneficial and convenient. Today, this event allowed our USA family to see all the work that goes into getting 这些文物已准备好进行进一步研究. 这是我的爱好,我喜欢教书 支持我们的学生.”

Jeremy Pruitt and Alicia Palmer, both USA Anthropology alum, work as staff archaeologists 在考古研究中心工作. 两者都有助于教育游客 每个实验室在开放日期间的功能. 来自Wiregrass的代表 archaeological consulting firm that partners with the University, were on site as well. Dr. Carr provided one last insight about archaeology, “It’s not what you find, 但是你会发现!”


